
Gardenvale TCM Mobile Site

The Gardenvale Traditional Chinese Medicine website is now available as a m-site. The mobile friendly version is a specially designed version of the website which provides information relevant to mobile phone users in a quick to download and easy to read format...

Cartoon on the current status of browser standards

I have recently been posting articles on Squigloo about the some of the great features available with HTML5 and CSS3. However, a continual theme and area of discussion regarding this is lack of users able to view these features due to the range of different browser being used. Here is a simple cartoon which poses the question, how much simple would it be if all browsers were created equal and HTML5/CSS3 ready…

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Using CSS3 Special Effects for Menus

CSS3 comes with a range of transition, transformation and animation properties that you can use to enhance your website and introduce animation without using Flash or JavaScript. There are also some nice design enhancements like text-shadows and border-radius. In this tutorial I'll demonstrate how to use these techniques to enhance a menu.

Speeding up WordPress

One of the great things about WordPress is all of the wonderful plugins available. The downside of adding all these plugins to your site is that your often loading your plugin JavaScript and CSS files in the header when they are not being used. Some may only be used once in your sight and others only in certain sections. In this post I've got some tips on cleaning out unnecessary header calls in your WordPress header.